Evolution Series
Monoprint - Lithograph / Etch on Rag
22" x 30"

The "Monoprint" is a form of printmaking where the image can only be made once, unlike most printmaking which allows for multiple originals. It is a process I have been compelled to use in both my artwork and my clothing design. This series of Monoprints titled "Evolution" was created in 1984.

A Litho-Stone is individually inked, and a full-size sheet of 100% Rag Paper is place on the stone and pressure printed through a press. Bits of cut and torn cotton rag paper and tissue, along with small original etched metal plates, are added to each stone before printing. In this series, the ghost image of the earlier printed sheet may appear. It is part of my creative process to explore and experiment with my own intuition.

Lili Butler